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  1. #1
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    Boost gauge display with nixie tubes

    Dear boosters,

    I am an electrical engineer making things in my free time. I am into old-school displays and vacuum tubes, so most of my projects contain nixie tubes or other vacuum fluorescent displays. Recently I was in a car that had a boost pressure gauge, and I immediately thought: I could make this with nixies!

    The question is, would people that are into turbo and other mods would be interested in such a thing? The idea would be to use a standard 52mm circular housing (or 60mm) and use 2 nixie tubes for display. For reference, this is something I made recently for another project of mine:
    Click here to enlarge

    If I find people that are interested in putting something like this in their car as a boost gauge, I could make a few 100 on kickstarter. But first I need to know if automotive people are as hyped about nixies as I am Click here to enlarge

  2. #2
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by MopTheEngineer Click here to enlarge
    The question is, would people that are into turbo and other mods would be interested in such a thing? The idea would be to use a standard 52mm circular housing (or 60mm) and use 2 nixie tubes for display. For reference, this is something I made recently for another project of mine:
    This would be more for the hot rod/rat rod crowd and I could definitely see it catching on there as something different.

    With modern cars? Not so much as that takes up to much room. I need a just quick/simple and lightweight gauge.

    Very cool to have another electric engineer here Click here to enlarge

  3. #3
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    This is awesome. I love it.

    There is a youtube channel with a guy in Europe making his own large nixie tubes and makes big cool clocks. It is awesome and really cool to watch him make them.

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