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  1. #26
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by 925_335IS Click here to enlarge
    Yeah can't wait to get it out. We will see what she will do on the R888's for now. New wheel/tire package to come soon.
    R888's are great but not a real replacement for dedicated drag rubber. What is the new package?

  2. #27
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Sticky Click here to enlarge
    R888's are great but not a real replacement for dedicated drag rubber. What is the new package?
    Haven't decided on which exact tire I'm going to run but it will be on weld wheels.
    2015 AW M4

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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    Let's see some track passes.

  5. #30
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by JasonTPG Click here to enlarge
    Let's see some track passes.
    Owner said he is taking it to the track ASAP...

  6. #31
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by JasonTPG Click here to enlarge
    Let's see some track passes.
    LOL. Literally not 24 hours after we post dyno numbers we post real world acceleration numbers. The customer has the car back, he can take it to the track whenever he wants. He said he might it today. If he does, he does. Cheers!
    Last edited by Tony@VargasTurboTech; 05-26-2017 at 11:40 AM.

  7. #32
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    It would be a shame if...the crank hub decided to take the engine for a SPIN
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  8. #33
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    Well since its a widely overblown issue, I guess we will see, but right now we are not concerned about it. We will see what it runs at the strip soon.

  9. #34
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    Havent you spun crank hubs in your N54's like 10 times? haha

  10. #35
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    good job guys. For that crank hub thing i saw you guys mentioning its actually a bolt backing out issue. Have you test the bolt lock yet you mentioned somewhere else?

  11. #36
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    For comparison sake. Our built motor N54 vs Stock motor S55. Keep in mind, both these cars are using very similar turbos. Shows how much better the N54 spools, and holds power up top. The N54 is also doing that on 25 psi, the S55 is needing 35 psi....
    I was wondering the same when reading the original post. You just sold me on another N54 car right there Tony. Click here to enlarge

  12. #37
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    Reason I said take it to the track was merely for comparison purposes. That car should go 10.0 @ 140 or better. The widely overblown crank issue you referred to however does strike a cord. All the highest powered and fastest cars in the S55 platform have experienced this failure. Whats the point in denying a well documented issue ? Also why downplay an issue that the biggest and baddest cars ever experienced ? Is that not what customers strive for? Don't you want to provide them a sense of security when modifying their car?

    Your experience in the n54 may be deeper then mine, however my experience in the s55 greatly out weighs yours. Lastly claiming a bolt backing out as the issue is just another worthless attempt at a scapegoat. Gintani gave this a shot with a modified torque spec and it failed immediately. To this date we are the only ones who have consistently made and supported this power level with success.

    Let me know when it gets to the strip , and if you need any advice on getting it down the track.


  13. #38
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by JasonTPG Click here to enlarge
    Reason I said take it to the track was merely for comparison purposes. That car should go 10.0 @ 140 or better. The widely overblown crank issue you referred to however does strike a cord. All the highest powered and fastest cars in the S55 platform have experienced this failure. Whats the point in denying a well documented issue ? Also why downplay an issue that the biggest and baddest cars ever experienced ? Is that not what customers strive for? Don't you want to provide them a sense of security when modifying their car?

    Your experience in the n54 may be deeper then mine, however my experience in the s55 greatly out weighs yours. Lastly claiming a bolt backing out as the issue is just another worthless attempt at a scapegoat. Gintani gave this a shot with a modified torque spec and it failed immediately. To this date we are the only ones who have consistently made and supported this power level with success.

    Let me know when it gets to the strip , and if you need any advice on getting it down the track.

    It's a good post Jason. The crank hub issue surfaces for those guys pushing the platform. It isn't a fluke if all of them literally have experienced it. Multiple times even...

    A little cheeky at the end there Click here to enlarge

  14. #39
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by JasonTPG Click here to enlarge
    Reason I said take it to the track was merely for comparison purposes. That car should go 10.0 @ 140 or better. The widely overblown crank issue you referred to however does strike a cord. All the highest powered and fastest cars in the S55 platform have experienced this failure. Whats the point in denying a well documented issue ? Also why downplay an issue that the biggest and baddest cars ever experienced ? Is that not what customers strive for? Don't you want to provide them a sense of security when modifying their car?

    Your experience in the n54 may be deeper then mine, however my experience in the s55 greatly out weighs yours. Lastly claiming a bolt backing out as the issue is just another worthless attempt at a scapegoat. Gintani gave this a shot with a modified torque spec and it failed immediately. To this date we are the only ones who have consistently made and supported this power level with success.

    Let me know when it gets to the strip , and if you need any advice on getting it down the track.

    Jason, I call it overblown because the issue is TINY compared to the amount of cars pushing power. We are making more power, and TQ quicker than anyone, 500-700 RPM last time I compared graphs. I have prob 200 dyno pulls on this car, prob a hundred street pulls now, with the highest power, and TQ stock motor S55 in the world. Nary a peep from the crank hub. To me it seems like a hit or miss issue. Do I think it should be addressed, I 100% do, do I think it deserves the attention its getting, not for most people. Just like the N54, no one is having bolt, or hub issues except us, because as usual we are pushing things past what others are doing, so we always find the problems first.

    As for the bolt backing out, that had nothing to do with you or Gintani. I was stating my opinion on what is happening. Which is the bolt is the issue on the S55, as it is on the N54 at big power, NOT the hub alone. Does this mean, a keyed hub is bad idea? Absolutely not! I wish you guys would make one for the N54's too. I would buy one right away. In my opinion, to have a COMPLETE solution, it would be a keyed hub, pinned to the crank, AND the bolt captured to the hub as well, so NOTHING is moving. Our S55 Crank bolt captures are done, I got the first sample back. We will be putting it on this M4 today, to try to help avoid issues. If you want one, say the word, I can send one your way free of charge, you guys push, I like people that push the limits. I think we are better off being friends than taking jabs at each other.

    As for advice on the strip, I will take anything you have, and I will pass it on to the customer, you prob know how to launch these better than anyone.

    Couple shots of the bolt capture. Its extremely light so it does not add weight to the front of the crank.

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  15. #40
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    Jason, I call it overblown because the issue is TINY compared to the amount of cars pushing power. We are making more power, and TQ quicker than anyone, 500-700 RPM last time I compared graphs. I have prob 200 dyno pulls on this car, prob a hundred street pulls now, with the highest power, and TQ stock motor S55 in the world. Nary a peep from the crank hub. To me it seems like a hit or miss issue. Do I think it should be addressed, I 100% do, do I think it deserves the attention its getting, not for most people. Just like the N54, no one is having bolt, or hub issues except us, because as usual we are pushing things past what others are doing, so we always find the problems first.

    As for the bolt backing out, that had nothing to do with you or Gintani. I was stating my opinion on what is happening. Which is the bolt is the issue on the S55, as it is on the N54 at big power, NOT the hub alone. Does this mean, a keyed hub is bad idea? Absolutely not! I wish you guys would make one for the N54's too. I would buy one right away. In my opinion, to have a COMPLETE solution, it would be a keyed hub, pinned to the crank, AND the bolt captured to the hub as well, so NOTHING is moving. Our S55 Crank bolt captures are done, I got the first sample back. We will be putting it on this M4 today, to try to help avoid issues. If you want one, say the word, I can send one your way free of charge, you guys push, I like people that push the limits. I think we are better off being friends than taking jabs at each other.

    As for advice on the strip, I will take anything you have, and I will pass it on to the customer, you prob know how to launch these better than anyone.

    Couple shots of the bolt capture. Its extremely light so it does not add weight to the front of the crank.

    Click here to enlargeClick here to enlargeClick here to enlargeClick here to enlarge

    I need some support from the crowd here: Read Tony's post. Then go back and re read it in Trumps voice.

    Anyone else notice an uncanny resemblance?
    2015 F10 M5 \ Alpinweiss

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  16. #41
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by lulz_m3 Click here to enlarge
    I need some support from the crowd here: Read Tony's post. Then go back and re read it in Trumps voice.

    Anyone else notice an uncanny resemblance?
    That moment when someone is trying to be funny, and it just doesn't work....

  17. #42
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    That moment when someone is trying to be funny, and it just doesn't work....
    That sounds like something Trump would say.
    2015 F10 M5 \ Alpinweiss

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  18. #43
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by lulz_m3 Click here to enlarge
    That sounds like something Trump would say.

  19. #44
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by lulz_m3 Click here to enlarge
    That sounds like something Trump would say.
    Keep trying sir, one day you will come up with something. Maybe you have a Tiger Woods or Kathy Griffin reference, they are the rage currently.

  20. #45
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    Bull$#@! aside that crank bolt locking nut looks pretty cool! Photos of it installed? Is the issue really the bolt just coming loose?
    Burger Motorsports
    Home of the Worlds fastest N20s, N54s, N55s, N63s, S55s, and S63s!

    It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and installer of any BMS part to employ the correct installation techniques required to ensure the proper operation of BMS parts, and BMS disclaims any and all liability for any part failure due to improper installation or use. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify that the use of their vehicle and items purchased comply with federal, state and local regulations. BMS claims no legal federal, state or local certification concerning pollution controlled motor vehicles or mandated emissions requirements. BMS products labeled for use only in competition racing vehicles may only be used on competition racing vehicles operated exclusively on a closed course in conjunction with a sanctioned racing event, in accordance with all federal and state laws, and may never be operated on public roads/highways. Please see for more information on legal requirements related to use of BMS parts.

  21. #46
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    I've got everything on my desk, I'll post one in the am, we had them made for the N54 as well. I will be running them on all my motors. I'll put one on your motor too!

  22. #47
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    Looks like this.

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  23. #48
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Tony@VargasTurboTech Click here to enlarge
    Looks like this.

    Click here to enlargeClick here to enlarge
    Wow, something so simple can be so effective. Great job Tony, I can't imagine the bolt breaking or backing out anymore.
    Burger Motorsports
    Home of the Worlds fastest N20s, N54s, N55s, S55s, N63s, and S63s!

    It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser and installer of any BMS part to employ the correct installation techniques required to ensure the proper operation of BMS parts, and BMS disclaims any and all liability for any part failure due to improper installation or use. It is the sole responsibility of the customer to verify that the use of their vehicle and items purchased comply with federal, state and local regulations. BMS claims no legal federal, state or local certification concerning pollution controlled motor vehicles or mandated emissions requirements. BMS products labeled for use only in competition racing vehicles may only be used on competition racing vehicles operated exclusively on a closed course in conjunction with a sanctioned racing event, in accordance with all federal and state laws, and may never be operated on public roads/highways. Please click here for more information on legal requirements related to use of BMS parts.

  24. #49
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Payam@BMS Click here to enlarge
    Wow, something so simple can be so effective. Great job Tony, I can't imagine the bolt breaking or backing out anymore.
    I cannot take 100% credit for the idea. There is a guy who did it first on this forum, he just used a flat piece of .250 steel, and made one. These are Billet aluminum for weight reduction, and capture the entire head of the nut. We will see if it works well, I believe it should help on my motor where I have seen the bolt back out.

  25. #50
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    Id like to try that part along with the keyed hub on my car as I think it is a perfect compliment for the keyed hub we are installing. I disagree that that alone will fix the issue, as the bolt being loose is the affect, not the cause of the hub spinning. As soon as the hub spins and spits out the friction disc and wears the oil pump gear face, there is no longer any tension on the assembly, and then the bolt appears loosely torqued.

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