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  1. #26
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Chris@CKI Click here to enlarge
    -Your in OL fueling so yes the car will run fine its programmed to do so.
    -I would remove both connectors on the DME and make sure none of the pins are pushed. Sometimes after installing/removing a piggyback the connector wont mate correctly and it pushes the pin back just enough to not get a good connection.
    -Your e92 has a single fuse for all 4 heaters. I forgot which 1 it was but if it was blown all 4 heater faults would be present.
    -in INPA go to adaptations then go to adaptations 1 and clear anything that says lambda, or NOX. Then make sure you hit <shift> F6 (or7) for learn variance. Back out of that menu go to adaptations 2 then select Clear ALL. Then do a DME reset. Easiest way is while your in INPA go to sleep mode then DME reset. Shut the ign off then start the car
    -All else fails buy another sensor. If the heater isnt working its most likely done anyways. Damage to the outside of the housing can cause it to short and fail internally.
    A quick update, I checked the Lambdasonde menu in my German version INPA, the bank 1 appears completely dead whereas bank 2 fluctuates with the engine. I then went to reset adaptations and got a script error. I then put INPA in sleep mode, chose DME reset and nothing happened, the connection was idle not green as with other modes when connecting. I believe the INPA isn't to blame because all else works. I have an MSD81 rather than MSD80 if that makes any difference, I noticed most of the INPA refers to MSD80. I have v5.06 of INPA.
    Still to check the DME connectors then I guess I may just live with running in open-loop if that doesn't sort it.

  2. #27
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by threetirtyfive Click here to enlarge
    now the guy who sold me the car said that the modified program it was running was causing the lambda sensors in bank 1 to report faulty, BS I thought so I set about replacing them.

    Back to the beginning. What is currently flashed?
    2010 N54 - DocRace - Motiv - CKI - TCKR - Volk - ER - CSF - Vorsteiner

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  3. #28
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    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by R.G. Click here to enlarge
    Back to the beginning. What is currently flashed?
    The seller didn't know. It's only running at 12.5psi so fairly mild tune. I have a backup of it from MHD if that can show anything to someone?

  4. #29
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    Tell me you've since flashed a different map.
    I would first flash a stock file. Drive the car a bit and see if any issues pop up. That will remove that variable. That is STEP ONE

    Do not give up and drive the car OL.

    Step by step.
    2010 N54 - DocRace - Motiv - CKI - TCKR - Volk - ER - CSF - Vorsteiner

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    Daily - '11 F02, 22" HR springs+links Click here to enlarge N54

  5. #30
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    1 out of 1 members liked this post. Yes Reputation No
    Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by R.G. Click here to enlarge
    Tell me you've since flashed a different map.
    I would first flash a stock file. Drive the car a bit and see if any issues pop up. That will remove that variable. That is STEP ONE

    Do not give up and drive the car OL.

    Step by step.
    HI - further update, I flashed back to stock, still had lambda (o2) sensor faults, and I've now got through THREE oxygen sensors finally finding one that works for my wideband on bank 1.

    What a mission to fix this problem. I guess it's safer to now have close loop AFR monitoring.

    I have another question- my other wideband o2 sensor (the one that was working) on bank 2 spikes at over 200 - is this normal?
    It's not dead as it otherwise follows engine behaviour. Fairly sure i've seen one of you guys with the same thing in another car's log. (end of this log from someone else shows same extreme readings
    Is that when it's flooded with fuel for example, dodgy connection or something else?
    335I xxxwhp, Chinesium FCBO. AliExpress 19t turbos. JE forged pistons, FCP engineering forged rods, king sv bearings, Vargas spline lock crank hub built block. 2x DO12 charge pipe 6x port meth injection. Stock charge pipe.

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