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  1. #1
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    Bimmerfest - Southern California Caravan Info

    Here is the caravan info for meeting location and times in Southern California. I will not be running this, another member has posted the details.

    SO heres the plan:

    we all meet at the IKEA off of the 405 in costa misery... *cough*, excuse me, costa mesa which works out great since it has such a huge lot.

    Bimmerfest times: 9am - 4pm

    Time it takes to get from the IKEA to Bimmerfest (google maps): ETA 1hr
    Click here to enlarge

    The link for Ikea to rose bowl:

    WHERE?:IKEA Location:
    Coming North or South on on the 405 your going to want to exit harbor, north people make a left south people make a right if you cant see the ikea then you've got problems

    WHEN?: May 22nd (Saturday)

    WHAT TIME?: I will be there at 7:30am, Our take off time will be 8:00am SHARP

    I will NOT be leading this caravan (i dont think we even need one, just set your GPS or follow the herd)
    I will NOT be changing times to make it convenient for other areas caravans (last years San Diego crew would not stop calling my cell saying, "where are you??" its the freeway folks)

    any other questions feel free to ask! PM me or email me at [email protected]

    bring cameras, i want rolling shots damnit!

    Oh, PS, if your one of the people who is a complete downer on the fact that the caravan time is cut in half compared to driving to SB, stay away, i dont want to hear the complaining

  2. #2
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    See you guys in the AM.

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