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Thread: Dinan + JB4

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    Dinan + JB4

    Hey guys,

    We get a lot of emails from Dinan or other lower boost flash tunes asking what we can do to boost their output a bit. Normally, we suggest going back to OEM tuning. But that isn't always practical due to the cost to flash back to stock, etc. So we've made a low boost JB+ to add a psi or so. Now with the JB4 they have a new option. Click here to enlarge

    The JB4 can basically filter out the flash tuning and deliver them normal JB4 like performance. We have a couple guys testing it now and it works very well. Same principle that is used with the 335is, BMW power kit, etc. Getting a flash, being disappointed with the performance, and throwing a JB4 on top of it is not the cheapest way to go but it is a viable option.

    This attached log shows the Dinan target and the revised JB4 target.
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