Whats up everyone, I just recently got a hold of a beautiful looking 335i.

The car had some some stuff when I bought it, but it was not tuned.

BMS Intakes
Vargas CHRA Replacements

Once I got it I immediately flashed MHD Stage 1+

Everything was going smooth so I got some DP's and flashed Stage 2+

Everything was going good, car pulled strong and hard then all of a sudden I got this whining noise and it was making no boost. Logs show that it never went over .5psi which I believe is Limp mode.

Checked underneath the car to find out that the rear inlet slid off of the turbo, but while I was trying to put it back on it had cracked...I figured not a problem and ordered VRSF Stock location silicone inlets.

Got them installed and started the car up...whine is still there! MHD Pulls a code 30ff ONLY under load, after idling for about 1 or 2m the cel goes off.

Heres what I have tried:

-Put stock DP's back on
-Replaced all vacuum lines
-Replaced both turbo to downpipe gaskets
-Flashed back to MHD Stage 0

Whats weird is if I start it on a cold start, the whine is very noticeable but eventually goes away. Once it does the only time you can hear it is under load or revving it above 3k+.

Any ideas!? I uploaded some videos so maybe that can help yall undertstand