Let's hope Porsche is right about this. While discussing the hybrid 911 that is not coming to market anytime soon August Achleitner who is the head of sports car at Porsche stated he does not think the internal combustion engine will be dead by 2030.

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He thinks the trademark 911 flat-6 will continue because that is what 911 owners want.

Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Achleitner
In my personal opinion, I'm not convinced the time of [internal combustion] ends in 2030.
The German government on the other hand wants to kill the internal combustion motor by 2030. Resolutions keep coming up asking to phase out traditional motors by 2030.

Tesla certainly isn't helping things either.

Do not get us wrong, electrics are a good thing. For transportation, emissions, and so forth. For a sports car? Nothing beats the sound, feel, and even the smell of a traditional gasoline motor.

For the enthusiast and sports car market, the internal combustion motor will reign supreme. Others can turn cars into appliances that drive you all on their own to their destination. Your car will become your very own automated Uber in a sense.

Sports cars though? Those demand to be driven. A full electric will never properly mimic the experience. Let's hope we still have plenty of time left to enjoy driving.