
My car is acting weird, more specific the wgdc behaviour.

when i load a modarate flash to 18/19 psi everything works as intended, good spool , car is on target, run after run after run

for instance.. this log


wgdc and boost act normal

But then when more boost is added, wgdc acts normal until sudden it drops 10%,
All logs after that , spool is slow, boost always under target and WGDC values lower as they should be.
in this log it happens at 5100 rpm
this is a log after when the weird drop in the wgdc happens...

When i reflash the car, with the same or another log... wgdc is back to normal, and the car boost on target... until it happens again...
Until a certain wgdc value it all works ok.. then sudden wgdc drops 10% and all logs after that boost is slower and under target.

Should i replace my boost solenoids. or is there something else going on ?