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    Di filter & LPFP restriction Line

    Di filter & LPFP restriction Line

    I don't know if this has been covered but here goes.

    So my di pump was always on the limits and dipping below 10 on the jb4 scale and as low as 7

    While I was having a good look at an old di pump on the work bench I had a good look at the inlet and found that it has a very restrictive filter.

    But before removing the filter and not running one I went out and brought a 10 micron 175gph filter from earls and installed it on the car, which will make it an overkill in term of filtration but no such thing as over filtration unless it causes a restriction.

    At the same time I had a good look at the stainless lpfp line and it has 2 very restrictive bends which I was not fond of and after measuring them I found them quite smaller than the inlet port on the di pump.

    The first part of the lpfp line that joins the pump is great with no restriction but the line steps down a size after the LPFP sensor and the bends in the line are quite restrictive

    I went off to earls and we came up with the new line and the results are pretty impressive

    My di pump never dips below 10 and the lpfp line pressure is nice and solid

    This worked for me, its up to you if you want to try it and at your own risk and responsibility
    and any part of the fuel system should be worked on by a competent mechanic.

    This is with di filter in place

    This is with filter removed and 10 micron filter installed under the car but with the stainless line still in place, removing the di filter has the greatest effect on the pressures

    This is with the stainless LPFP replaced with the new one, I haven't been able to get to the track yet for a proper log but you can see there is a slight improvement, any improvement is good
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