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Thread: Santa Maria BMW is looking for the world's biggest sucker to spend $245k on a 2016 F82 M4 GTS
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10-25-2016, 02:13 PM #15
Under MSRP is still above invoice so the dealer is making money regardless. The cars have a set manufacturer value. Homes do not work the same way. My house does not have an MSRP. It fluctuates based on what similar homes in the same area sell for as well as interest rates.
Banks don't hand out 0% mortgages last I checked?
The real estate argument regarding how it is not the same thing makes complete sense. Your point is general in that an item is worth whatever someone will pay for it. Sure, that makes sense.
However, I'm not going to pay over the manufacturer price for an Iphone. I'm not going to do it for a TV. I'm not going to do it for a car either.
Sure, if they can get the money. You're saying if they can the dealer should be able to too. I'm saying anyone paying over MSRP for an M4 GTS is absolutely an idiot. It's not even worth MSRP. That holds no matter what artificial bubble dealers try to create for it.BRAND NEW IN BOX 991.2 standard/non-pse SPW cat bypass pipe for sale - $899 shipped
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