I'm FBO with inlets on a 93 pump custom MHD self tune. Boost is dialed in under normal conditions.

With the same exact tune the boost is all over the place in really cold weather (around 15 degrees Fahrenheit)

Is there anything I can change in the tune so boost will be well controlled in low temps?

Regular Temps (around 50 degrees) - Normal Boost 1: http://datazap.me/u/mfish123/normal-boost-regular-temps

Regular Temps - Normal Boost 2 (around 50 degrees): http://datazap.me/u/mfish123/normal-...emps-example-2

Freezing Temps - Oscillating Boost 1: http://datazap.me/u/mfish123/freezin...illating-boost

Freezing Temps - Oscillating Boost 2: http://datazap.me/u/mfish123/freezin...oost-example-2