Hopefully someone can shed some light on what my issue may be. I have an 07 335xi 6-speed and I was driving it to my local drive-thru coffee stand; go dutch bros! anyway, I turned my car off because I was behind someone in line, only to hear and somewhat feel something drop underneath my gear selector. It kind of freaked me out. Anyway my order was up so I turned the car on, rolled forward only to hear some clunking noises. When I pulled away my dash lit up like a christmas tree; 4x4 light, ABS, Ebrake even, scared me.

Got home, hooked up my BT Cable and got some codes. Is it my servo motor? Thanks for any replies.
Short Test
MSD80/MSD81 Engine module for N53/N54
Current Fault Codes
2D2E Angle of throttle valve - intake pipe underpressure, correlation
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Short circuit or signal interruption
Dynamic stability control DXC8 Plus
Current Fault Codes
DME-Error: DME sends torque value=invalid (PT-CAN, ID 0xA8, Signal ST_RCPT_ENG_DSC).
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Steering angle sensor: Steering angle-signal only relative. Wheel-center position unknown. Learned quadrant active,(turn onto end position). Or steering wheel signal invalid, or steering wheel-status error
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
PT-CAN: Message TORQUE_1 (ID 0xA8) not received or wrong message length (DLC). [transmitter: DME]
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
PT-CAN: Message TORQUE_2 (ID 0x0A9) not received or wrong message length (DLC). [transmitter: DME]
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Brake pad wiper: RLS sends invalid signals in message Rain Sensor Wiper Speed (PT-CAN, ID 0x226).
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed
Clutch gearbox-ECU: VG-clutch defective - clutch is open - rear wheel drive!
Error will cause a warning light
Error is not currently present
Test conditions have been completed