Most of you probably already know about a little program called Virtual Dyno. It's pretty neat. If you are good with data and logs, it can be a very useful tool for seeing a difference in your tunes and mods.

There is a race event today at my local 1/8th mile track(it's less than a mile from my house). While my filter drys, I will share my progress.

I have a certain stretch of road that I use locally just for this. I have a space were I do a third gear run, and another that I do a 1-3 gear pull. This is what I use as a measurement to see if my tune has been making any improvements.

Thanks to MHD and the recent discovers in the XDF tables, I have made quite a bit of progress in my tune.

The blue line is my previous tune, were I ran a 8.0@88 in the 1/8th.

The red line is my new tune since then.

Click here to enlarge

No other modifications were changed between these two, aside from the tune. Now, keep in mind this is on the road, so I would not take the dyno numbers themselves to heart. But, the track times prior and the differences should tell a story.

I hope the rain holds off today, so I can try this tune at the track. I am very excited! If not, I will have to make a run on a normal track day there. I really want to do my best to run at New England Dragway by the end of the year. It will be worth the 3.5 hour drive for me.