With all of the awesome progress lately on the N54 tuning/flashing side of things I have gotten extremely jealous Click here to enlarge. As most of us know the cobb flashing capabilities are in the stone age in comparison to even the cobb support for N54 (no vanos tables defined even, etc etc). Not to mention how handicapped we are compared to the new stuff that is being added to the N54 xdf's. Cobb has pretty clearly abandoned the BMW flashing game and are just riding on their good reputation now. @jyamona suggested putting a list together of people interested in furthering the N55 tuning so someone like @martial@mhd might be interested in adding N55 support to the MHD app (or anyone else with the necessary know how and skills). I would certainly ditch my Cobb and pay for an app or whatever if I could edit and define my own tables and flash the DME over OBD and not be stuck with what cobb decided was "good enough".

Chime in here if you are in the same boat and are interested in seeing this progress. Obviously the E9x N55's will be easiest (as cobb already proved they are flashable) but there are certainly a lot more F3x N55 cars out there so the ability to flash those cars at all would increase demand significantly.

Thanks guys!