Are your revs going up then down while on WOT? Well it looks like you may have clutch slipping problems. For a whopping $1200, you can get your problems solved with an HPF Stage 2 Feramic Clutch Kit!

Pedal Feel
000-100 miles: ~2.00x stiffer
200-500 miles: ~1.50x stiffer
> 1000 miles: ~1.25 stiffer

I got brand new OEM Release Bearing Assembly with the clutch. Initially, the pedal was pretty stiff, about 8 out of 10 being the stiffest. After 1000 miles, it got noticeably softer. I would say its marginally stiffer than stock after broken in 1K miles.

Full Clutch Engagement
000-100 miles: ~1.00" deeper/lower than stock
200-500 miles: ~0.75" deeper/lower than stock
> 1000 miles: ~0.25" deeper/lower than stock

Initially, the clutch engagement was really low. It felt like it was right off the ground. But as the miles racked up, the engagement got higher and higher and closer to stock. Like everyone says, it's a tiny bit lower than stock.

Partial Engagement First Gear Shudder
000-100 miles: lots of shudder
200-500 miles: less of shudder
> 1000 miles: no shudder!

This is what worried me the most after installation. Well, also trying to get used to an initial stiff clutch didn't help but the clutch did chatter on 1st gear. To alleviate this initial problem, I ended up putting more throttle than usual and releasing the clutch pedal faster.

It almost seems like I was trying to slow launch the car all the time. Over time, the shudder got less and less and now that I'm around 1200 miles, it's really not a problem anymore, even when I release the clutch slowly without any throttle.

All of this talk but did it solve the slipping problem?
Of course it did! I've done multiple E50 logs and there is no problem with the clutch at all. Actually the clutch feels great and seems really eager in the gears.

The Verdict
+ Future proof for RB S2 turbos or VT S2/S3 turbos
+ Solves clutch slip problems
+ Engagement is really close to stock
+ Daily drivable
+ Shudder eventually disappears
- Price is on the high side
- Shop installation cost
- Top Ramen for lunch