ok so I was driving and I was about to go through an intersection but at the last minute I was told I had to go left so I turned abruptly, turned into the Wendy's about half a mile up the road. After we order the food and get it then as I'm about to pull out of the parking lot, I get pulled over. He says I was reckless driving. He treats me like a person with a weapon, which is ok, protocol is protocol. Then he gives me a ticket for careless driving. On the ticket he states "Rapid acceleration through left turn from Clinton Parkway onto 80 East." He was really curt and abrasive. I wouldn't say he was mean or a dick or anything, he was just really short. This is in MS, and I have an NC license. The issue is that he took my license and said that the ticket would serve as my license until I take care of it. So...anyone from MS or know anything about this case can help me out? He didn't check speeding or anything, just careless driving, and in MS it's a fine of 5-50 bucks not a big deal just don't want my points to go up. If you need anymore info let me know and I appreciate it guys!

PS: this isn't a cops suck thread, I respect and appreciate cops. So let's keep that to a minimum. Thanks! Click here to enlarge