Click here to enlarge Originally Posted by Twinturbom3 Click here to enlarge

why dont you or your stage 3/4 customers measure 60-130 times?

with the 345 tires and big wing you should have good traction.

Waiting forward for your 60-130 times.

How do you know how much faster is a stage 4 compared to stage 3?

new stage 5 will be faster than stage 4 but how much?

Please do measure the 60-130 times.
Mert, they list 60-130 times for their kits in the print advertisement for them. I don't know of any other company that does this.

So, they pay attention to it and post their customer's number but they do not actively sit around and try to have the fastest 60-130's around.

Plus, this is a thread about a new release not about 60-130 times, ok?