V8Bait Sample ROMs
V8Bait\'s Original Sample ROMs from 06/26/2014
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V8Bait Sample ROMs
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V8Bait Sample ROMs
V8Bait\'s Original Sample ROMs from 06/26/2014
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V8Bait Sample ROMs
Your file I8A0S_STREET-v8bait (CATLESS E30).bin has been approved
Your file I8A0S_STREET-v8bait (CATLESS pump).bin has been approved
Your file I8A0S_STREET-v8bait (CATLESS FULL E85+METH).bin has been approved
What boost targets are you looking at in the pump flash? I finally got MHD and am by to try out your tune
I think I would shoot him a PM first and talk to him about these ROM's before using them. I just took a look at one and either he is the mad scientist/genius I think he is or those ROM's are scrambled.
What are your thoughts sticky? I basically took around with some brief moments of adrenaline getting on highways and such. Mostly stock car. Intake, some exhaust work. Changed all fluids in car at 120k. About 2k ago.
I'll just have to rest it out and leave a review than. Unfortunately I did not buy the logging feature. I'll update tomorrow
Attachment 54734
Take a look at fuel banks 1&2 for example.
I am using the wrong xdf file? How? I'm looking at the files that were posted or are you saying that he didnt post these files?
Is the pump rom 91 93oct?
These can also be flashed from the BBApp
Smooth power delivery, really hits hard at 3k and breakers tires loose shifting into 2nd. I like the tune so far. If you are thinking about it, give it a try and do a few logs. I didn't purchase that feature yet but would love to see someone else's. Thanks v8bait
Instead of purchasing, flash it with the free BB App. @AsheL
I've already got MHD, just not the logging feature. I don't have a laptop, just a tablet and just a generic 30$ cable. Has BB been updated to use cheap cable yet? I'll have to relook at the thread involving BB
His answers are definitely in the chosen destination, for only $$ more...
If you would like to log your vehicle, then shoot me a pm, I have something you can use for logging for now. I haven't posted an update yet in the other thread, but I will soon. BBApp does have the capability to use the cheaper INPA K+DCAN cables. The newest version is currently being worked on, so far I have added the ability to;
Tune any bin file applicable for your DME type, no matter the source.
Updated Checksums for torque tables
One click modification for Coil upgrades
Wastegate rattle fix
Idle RPM selection
Transmission type selection - and able to flash the Alpina mod
Tuning interface inside of app
I should be able to wrap it up by the end of this week or beginning of next week and most likely will be available within a couple of weeks for the android and iOS platforms...
I do need to get a logging feature really badly. I don't like not knowing what's going on and I don't want to hurt my baby!! Can BB be put into a tablet? I don't have a laptop to use
Just read your reply Trevorlee after leaving mine I want BB software and really want logging program!!!
I agree and am looking into possibilities. My wife has an old one but it was a work laptop so confidential stuff on it. Not able to buy one right now with all I've spent on car recently, lol.
Mobile app particularly for iOS would be fricken awesome. I understand it's not as straightforward to build as on android though.
I have an iOS and an android. I don't have a Bluetooth device for car so I'm looking for android. iOS would probably be more powerful because of processor though.
Just saw all these. The tunes are pretty old but not that aggressive. Lots changed since they were made, new tables released, better understanding of old ones, dyno time with cam timing, etc. These don't even have torque table changes as the old app couldn't flash them. But I'm glad some of you are finding them useful. As with any tune, logging is pretty important. If anything just to see how your car is doing.
Considering how much time these old ones cost me troubleshooting everybody's misfires when they went from stock to tuned, difficulties flashing on 2007 cars especially, etc when bb doesn't log got tiring. Considering how much money I made doing all that work (nothing at all) I got a little burnt out.
People looking to diy and learn they are already fine. People looking for support have good options that cost a little money. People looking for individual personalized support and a tailored tune faster than learning it all themselves have that option available as well through custom tunes.
Any more info on the pump map ?