In general, since we are all automotive enthusiasts here, I imagine we are all pretty good drivers.
Sadly, that just means we are in the minority.
I try to rarely complain, but I finally had to put together a list of my biggest frustrations while driving :angry-banghead:
Agree? Disagree? Other additions?
In priority order:
1. People who lolligag in the lefthand lane. After you pass, get back over.
2. People who don't secure their loads. See
exhibit A.
3. Not understanding the proper way to
merge. This includes both merging on to the highway, but also merging when lanes end say for construction.
4. Not passing a police officer/highway patrolman. It never ceases to amaze me the number of people who refuse to pass a highway patrolman, even when the officer is cruising well under the speed limit. I have to imagine this is some sort of game/stress reliever for POs - let's see how slow we can go without people passing us. :facepalm
5. Not turning right on red. I realize this isn't legal everywhere, but for the areas it is, for the love of God, turn when the coast is clear.
6. Tailgating. I hate tailgaters.
7. Rubber necking at accidents. Move along folks. Nothing to see here.